I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.
La communauté birmane de France, Info Birmanie, la FIDH, la Ligue des droits de l’Homme, l’Alliance des femmes, Europe solidaires et la LCR organisent un rassemblement le mercredi 24 octobre 2007, devant le siège de Total, de 15h00 à 16h00, 1 rue du général Leclerc 92047 Paris La Défense
GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION: A VIGIL IN SUPPORT OF BURMA! October 24, 2007 6:30 PM - 8:30 PMDon’t Let The World Forget About the Saffron Revolution!!!!October 24th is the UN anniversary day but most importantly, it will be marked as a global day for Burma because it is the anniversary of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s house arrest. Daw Suu Kyi has spent 12 years of the last 17 years under house arrest and is still under house arrest today. There are other thousands of political prisoners in Burma today. Please join us as we will join the rest of the world to remember the monks and citizens of Burma– Those who have died and those who are still fighting for a free and democratic Burma. There are currently over 2,000 people detained, imprisoned, tortured and killed. We will show our support in solidarity that we will never give in nor forget until Burma regains democracy and freedom.The media coverage and political action towards Burma has been dwindling, even though the situation in Burma has not improved. It is up to us to join in solidarity once again for a GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION on this day in October to stand up and voice our demands to the UN and China to help free Burma from the brutal military regime.Please bring a candle to the event, if you have... When: October 24, 2007 Where: SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN'S PHOENIX OFFICE,5353 N.16th Street,Phoenix AZ 85016 Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Contact: The Burmese Activists of Arizona, U.S.A *Sophie Lwin - sophiel444@msn.com or call 623-703-0110 *May Kyaw - mimi_k23@yahoo.com or call 480-242-9021 Directions SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN'S PHOENIX OFFICE LOCATED AT: Senator John McCain's Phoenix Office 5353 N. 16th Street Phoenix AZ 85016 SE corner of E missouri Ave and N 16th St http://i3.photobucket. com/albums/y95/sophie l4411/BURMESEACTIVISTS.jpg TO FIND OUT ABOUT EVENTS IN YOUR AREA PLEASE VISIT: http://www.facebook. com/group.php?gid= 24957770200&ref=mf IF THERE ARE NO EVENTS IN YOUR AREA PLEASE ORGANIZE ONE, YOU CAN CONTACT ME AT sophiel444@msn.com for help. sophielwin.blogspot.com groups.myspace.com/ helpfreeburma
" Your hands are tied in action, but your hands are not tied in imagination --- and everything springs forth from the imagination. Everything. " Abraham
“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.” Winston Churchill
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Winston Churchill
I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.
Mahatma Gandhi
La communauté birmane de France, Info Birmanie, la FIDH, la Ligue des droits de l’Homme, l’Alliance des femmes, Europe solidaires et la LCR organisent un rassemblement le mercredi 24 octobre 2007, devant le siège de Total, de 15h00 à 16h00, 1 rue du général Leclerc 92047 Paris La Défense
GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION: A VIGIL IN SUPPORT OF BURMA! October 24, 2007 6:30 PM - 8:30 PMDon’t Let The World Forget About the Saffron Revolution!!!!October 24th is the UN anniversary day but most importantly, it will be marked as a global day for Burma because it is the anniversary of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s house arrest. Daw Suu Kyi has spent 12 years of the last 17 years under house arrest and is still under house arrest today. There are other thousands of political prisoners in Burma today. Please join us as we will join the rest of the world to remember the monks and citizens of Burma– Those who have died and those who are still fighting for a free and democratic Burma. There are currently over 2,000 people detained, imprisoned, tortured and killed. We will show our support in solidarity that we will never give in nor forget until Burma regains democracy and freedom.The media coverage and political action towards Burma has been dwindling, even though the situation in Burma has not improved. It is up to us to join in solidarity once again for a GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION on this day in October to stand up and voice our demands to the UN and China to help free Burma from the brutal military regime.Please bring a candle to the event, if you have... When: October 24, 2007 Where: SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN'S PHOENIX OFFICE,5353 N.16th Street,Phoenix AZ 85016 Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Contact: The Burmese Activists of Arizona, U.S.A *Sophie Lwin - sophiel444@msn.com or call 623-703-0110 *May Kyaw - mimi_k23@yahoo.com or call 480-242-9021 Directions SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN'S PHOENIX OFFICE LOCATED AT: Senator John McCain's Phoenix Office 5353 N. 16th Street Phoenix AZ 85016 SE corner of E missouri Ave and N 16th St http://i3.photobucket. com/albums/y95/sophie l4411/BURMESEACTIVISTS.jpg TO FIND OUT ABOUT EVENTS IN YOUR AREA PLEASE VISIT: http://www.facebook. com/group.php?gid= 24957770200&ref=mf IF THERE ARE NO EVENTS IN YOUR AREA PLEASE ORGANIZE ONE, YOU CAN CONTACT ME AT sophiel444@msn.com for help. sophielwin.blogspot.com groups.myspace.com/ helpfreeburma
Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call out our courage and strength.
-Unknown Author
" Your hands are tied in action, but your hands are not tied in imagination --- and everything springs forth from the imagination. Everything. " Abraham
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