Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Cuban Castro is much wiser than Burmese Military

Ailing Castro gives up the Cuban presidency

HAVANA (AFP) — Ailing revolutionary icon Fidel Castro permanently gave up the Cuban presidency on Tuesday, ending five decades of ironclad rule of the island marked by his one-man defiance of the United States.

Eighteen months after he was stricken with illness, the 81-year-old Castro said in a message published by the official media that he would not accept the presidency again.

"I neither will aspire to nor will I accept -- I repeat -- I neither will aspire to nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief," Castro wrote almost 19 months after a severe illness caused him to hand power temporarily to his brother Raul.

Raul Castro said a month ago that the National Assembly would elect Cuba's next president on February 24, amid speculation that his brother -- for the first time in five decades -- might not be its choice.

Cuba's National Assembly speaker Ricardo Alarcon had said that while his recovery is ongoing, it was up to Fidel Castro to decide whether he will stay on as president, if reelected in February.

Some speculate Raul Castro might become president on a permanent basis or that another top regime official might move up the ladder, technically ending Fidel Castro's official dominance of the regime. Few, however, doubt Fidel would remain influential in the latter case.

While Fidel Castro appears to be in better health than a year ago, many Cuba-watchers believe he would not be able to resume the full, wide-ranging powers he used to wield.

Some analysts believed he might continue to remain head of state on paper, essentially acting as a kind of behind-the-scenes guardian of the 1959 revolution while leaving other top communist officials to deal with the day-to-day work.

Guerrilla revolutionary and communist idol, Fidel Castro held out against history and turned tiny Cuba into a thorn in the paw of the mighty capitalist United States.

The Cuban president, who overthrew Fulgencio Batista and took power in 1959, had said he would never retire from politics, and though illness forced him into seclusion in the final months of his presidency.

Famed for his rumpled olive fatigues, straggly beard and the cigars he reluctantly gave up for his health, Castro kept a tight clamp on dissent at home while defining himself abroad with his defiance of Washington.

A great survivor and a firebrand, if windy orator, Castro dodged all his enemies could throw at him in nearly half a century in power, including assassination plots, a US-backed invasion bid, and a punishing US trade embargo.


Anonymous said...

His dictatorship was different, over 30 years ago it was like Burma's present situation... there are not monks in Central America, many innocent people disappeared overnight never to be found.

In the past 30 years there have been positive changes that can be measured today. They have the best medical care for the people and FREE of charge. Of course wages/salaries are very low.

On the poverty side, the improvement has been very little and extremely slow, they are still struggling. The psychological effects are still there, people have this compulsion to stock anything as they lived under rationing for few decades. Knockings at the door after certain hours has left scars as well.

As usual the russians help was by way of "arms" the best army ever found in South America...

Castro was not an easy person, his anger for the Americans made him cruel with his own people, it has been over half a century and I am glad it is "almost" over... He has soften considerably in the past decade, he is releasing power because he has reached his physical limit, he loves power.

Anonymous said...

Castro has retired and handed power to his carnal brother... the military are a family for many decades to come... what a pity...

February 25, 2008 - 8:06AM

Cuba's new leader Raul Castro in his speech accepting the post asked the national assembly for authority to consult his brother, outgoing President Fidel Castro, on issues of major importance.

Parliament quickly acceded to the request, as Cuba completed a long-awaited power shift from a half-century of rule by Fidel in favour of Raul Castro, 76, keeping Havana firmly on its communist path.

Fidel Castro, 81, announced last week he was stepping aside, but was not present at the landmark session at which Raul was the only candidate put forward for the post.

In a surprise move, an old guard revolutionary leader was named No.2, suggesting that major changes are not likely any time soon.

The vote came just five days after the ailing 81-year-old president said he was retiring, capping a career in which he frustrated efforts by 10 US presidents to oust him.

Jose Ramon Machado, who fought alongside the Castro brothers in the Sierra Maestra during the late 1950s, was named to the No.2 slot that Raul Castro had previously held. He is 76 years old, like Raul Castro.

Cabinet secretary Carlos Lage, who many had expected would move up into the first vice-president slot, maintained his spot as one of five other vice-presidents on the governing Council of State.

The other four vice-presidents included Juan Almeida Bosque, 80, a historic revolutionary leader; Interior Minister Abeldardo Colomoe Ibarra, 68; Esteban Lazo Hernandez, 63, a longtime Communist Party leader, and General Julio Casas Regueiro, 71, who was Raul Castro's No.2 at the defence ministry.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
