Wednesday 27 August 2008

Invitation for demostrations

Dear All,

In UK, we will have 2 demostrations on the 29 of August (Friday) 2008. First one will be at the front of Burmese Embassy and Second one will be at the front of Singapore Embassy.

13:00 to 14:00 at the front of Burmese Embassy Map here
15:00 to 16:00 at the front of Singapore Embassy Map here

The first one is organized by KNO, detail are,

We, the Kachin National Organisations from India, Japan, Denmark and UK will hold demonstration in front of Burmese Embassies
-to show solidarity to Nhkum Hkawn Din's family ( 15) who was the victim of sexual violence and brutal murdered by SPDC soldiers
- to stop Human rights abuses and systematic genocide of ethnic nationalities in Burma
- to demand Senior General Than Shwe to appologize on State TV for such barbarian acts.
- to gain Genuine Federal Democratic Union
You are invited to join the demonstration. The programme as follows:
1. India - August 27, 11:00am to 12:30 pm, contact no. 0091 9810123374, 0091 9854361177, 0091 9999137828
2. Japan- August 27, 3:00pm to 4:00pm, Contact no. Peter Brang Seng: 0081 9041306401, 0081 8035990719
3. Denmark - August 27, To distribute leaflet on human right abuses on the trains.
4. UK- August 29, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, contact no. Lashi Gun Tawng: 0044 7882207225
Place; 19 A Charles Street,London W1J 5DX .... Map here

The second one is Organized by U2V group, and the reason is

The Burmese in Singapore have organised "more than dozen" events in the last few months, from the march along Orchard and Tanglin Roads during the Asean summit held in Singapore last November, to petition signing against the sham referendum, to prayer vigils for those slain in the streets of Rangoon. All have been peaceful, but they have also been a reflection of the deep anger felt by Burmese over the vileness of the military regime.

After those things happen, now six Burmese who actively organize for those peaceful movements, have been thrown out of Singapore in the last month or so when their residency passes were denied renewals. While the immigration office has not provided any explanation for any of these cases.

Now we are going to ask to singapore embassy in uk for;
-to stop Human rights abuses on burmese people in Singapore by singapore government
-to stop supporting to the burmese junta

That's why, We invite you to join our demostration outside the singapore embassy to show our solidarity for our Burmese students in Singapore.

Time 15:00 to 16:00 at the front of Singapore Embassy
address 9 Wilton Crescent, Belgravia, London SW1X 8SP .. MAP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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