Sunday 7 October 2007

To those who are shedding crocodile tears for Burma

Now the world and the world body (UN) have seen the beatings, shootings and killings in the line of crackdown in Burma.

You have heard the news of night raids and secret detention centers.

Mr. Gambari has already submitted his report on Burma to the UN Security Council.

Some of the Security Council members want to pose more severe sanctions on military junta.

Russia, China, India and Asean countries do express concern upon what's happening in Burma, but they all are against sanction.

Chinese Ambassador to UN said that sanctions would only cause more confrontation, but he didn't care to mention about the military junta to take advantage and gain more power.

It's quite clear that the countries against sanction and punishment on Burmese generals are getting lion's share from the loots the generals had from the Burmese people.

Those countries who are shedding crocodile tears for Burma should know that you are no more than in the position of accomplice to the military junta, so you must think thoroughly and do what you must do sincerely before it's too late.

We don't care how much you have made profit upon our people's properties and natural resources, but we do care the rebellious spirit the military is crushing ruthlessly.

Only with that rebellious spirit we gained independence in 1948, but our people lost freedom a few years after up to this day.

We would like to send a clear message to the military junta that no matter what ever price we have to pay, we will maintain our rebellious spirit and with whatever means we have, we will fight to get our freedom back.

We would leave Russia and China in the hands of the Security Council.

But we would like to tell India and Asean countries to think it seriously that this is the time you have to show your concern, good will and sympathy sincerely, if you really have, to Burmese people and do the right thing you should do.

Finally it's time for the international community and the world body (UN) to decide on which side you will stand for, whether you are with the countries of trade opportunist or with Burmese people.


nitebird said...

Godspeed my dear Burmese. through out the history of mankind, freedom was never given willing by the ruling oppressors. it had to be fought and died for. time and time again that seems to be the only way. it is a very sad human nature. good people all over the world, please help the Burmese people in any way you can. FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY TO THE PEOPLE OF BURMA.

Anonymous said...

China is hosting the games
1) to clear their image from the Tiannamen masacre in 1989.
2) the revenue they will collect from the games project will make them very wealthy...

but who are the ones collecting? you guess it.. the ones at the top of the gov... corruption is so high they parasite the population who work for nothing or just a bowl of rice. They even prosecute the Fu-loong, torture them and sell their organs for profit.

China cares a fig about human rights, the government if living from the slavery imposed in their country... that is why they support the Burma regime.

RUSSIA - early Sep'07 we had an APEC meeting where the Asian leaders joind together to discuss, "nice ways to improve" the poor countries... on this meeting, Russia signed a contract to buy uranium from Australia. That uranium is going direct into the Myanmar's Nuclear project.

Australia says that we hardly have any business with Burma, but the Liberal Party to which our dear beloved leader is part of, is supported by a company that provides the Myanmar regime. We are putting pressure on our leader as well. Hypocrisy reigns among the leaders.

Now, are Russia and China going to help the Burmese living under the militar regime? Of course, that is something they have to think about... how much they are going to loose...

let's boycott the 2008 China Olympic Games, and let the US to arms embargo Russia and China.

Anonymous said...

Fu-loong = Falun Gong O forgot to correct... senior moments...