With a heavy heart, I have always been searching for news of what is going on in our motherland. I accidentally tripped on that letter on your site. I am surprised how could you allow to post such radical writing if you have a clear conscience? As the chief editor and webmaster of your own website, you have the responsibility to review and edit what is being posted or you may lose readers and friends without even knowing.
To the author of that letter, I would like to say the followings:
It is a very narrow-minded idea disguised as a patriotism. Are you suggesting the foreingers (Chinese, Indians, Japanese, Koreans, etc) are all evils? Do not forget Chinese people rose up against their government in 1989 just like the Burmese did in 1988. It is a story about the suffering people against the oppressing government. Not about evil people (foreign) vs. divine people (burmese). A writing like yours can only give the burmese people wrong ideas and distract them from the original and actual course of this uprising.
Do not start a nonsense and give the junta an opportunity to distract burmese people from the current economic & social problems. There are a lot of chinese, singaporeans, idians, koreans out there with pure hearts, sympathy for burmese people and willingness to help with whatever they can. If a burmese feels being looked down to, a burmese should keep the head up and prove his/her competency by own conducts. I know a lot of burmese have done and are doing just that.
I know how you must have felt at international airports holding burmese passport because I had the same experience myself. Even the burmese government officials at Yangon International Airport treat us with disrespect while the others better sometimes. The problem could be with the reputation of Myanmar itself so now you don't add to it.
You talk about how bad burmese girls are being treated. Look carefully and you would see chinese and indian girls who were born in Burma among them. Perhaps you were one guy who tried to hook up with some girls there and did not get the chance because of your own personality. Everyone except those related to the junta is suffering economically and socially in Myanmar because of the rotten system. Not just burmese girls.
I know many many chinese and indians in Burma who are devoted Buddhists just like many Burmese. Don't picture everyone with the same brush because it is either very silly or very mean-spirited. The karen ethic minorities have always reported how burmese soldiers kill, rob, rape karen familes. Does that mean all the burmese people are murderers, thieves, and rapists to you? Put your hand on your heart and think about it tonight before you go to sleep. While uprising for just course is right, being xenophobic is pathetic. Write and say things that are meaningful, or you would sound like a loser and any intelligent readers would agree that you are just a loser who has a personal ax to grind using patriotism as a medium.
Myo Kyi A burmese born in Burma and now lives in U.S.A.
dear ko myo gyi, i think the author doesn't want to mislead readers to b scorn againt foreigners... the thing he wants to say is to take actions on the current situations... & i think "Myanmar" in his article means not only burmese but also all citizens living in Burma, including chinese or indian... he sounds a bit xenophobic but i think he wanna tell readers not to let foreigners overinfluence upon socail & economical affairs of Burma... as we all know, no one or no country can help our country unless there's unity among our people... it's US who can & who must try to change our destiny...
Ko htike, don't be discourage about the words of Myo Gyi who forgets his genuine being and gives higher mark to foreigners than his origin. plz, keep on trying post what you should do.we all are in your side.
Weren't you surprised when Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's convoy was attacked in Monywa by thugs and she almost got killed? How could someone try to kill Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, probably the greatest prominent nobel Burmese ever? That attack proves there are selfish and narrow-minded people out there who don't discern right from wrong. . Like a drug addict who feels the urge to take the next shot, they would just do whatever that make them feels good.
It is very easy to blame someone else for own failure and that's why some people take the easy path and blame other people. Narrow-minded people tend to support another narrow-minded people because they are narrow-minded.
I always missed Burma. I missed my friends, teachers from my grade schools, my neighbors. They consist of many burmese ethnicities, and chinese & indians. No one is perfect. We all have our strong and weak points.
Civilized people will not agree with narrow-minded ideas.
dear ko htike, i hope u don't think that i'm against ya... i really appreciate ur works... we all r trying for our country even though there many b some different opinions and approaches sometimes... anyway, we all have the exactly the same destination...
Ko Htike,
With a heavy heart, I have always been searching for news of what is going on in our motherland. I accidentally tripped on that letter on your site.
I am surprised how could you allow to post such radical writing if you have a clear conscience? As the chief editor and webmaster of your own website, you have the responsibility to review and edit what is being posted or you may lose readers and friends without even knowing.
To the author of that letter, I would like to say the followings:
It is a very narrow-minded idea disguised as a patriotism. Are you suggesting the foreingers (Chinese, Indians, Japanese, Koreans, etc) are all evils? Do not forget Chinese people rose up against their government in 1989 just like the Burmese did in 1988. It is a story about the suffering people against the oppressing government. Not about evil people (foreign) vs. divine people (burmese). A writing like yours can only give the burmese people wrong ideas and distract them from the original and actual course of this uprising.
Do not start a nonsense and give the junta an opportunity to distract burmese people from the current economic & social problems. There are a lot of chinese, singaporeans, idians, koreans out there with pure hearts, sympathy for burmese people and willingness to help with whatever they can. If a burmese feels being looked down to, a burmese should keep the head up and prove his/her competency by own conducts. I know a lot of burmese have done and are doing just that.
I know how you must have felt at international airports holding burmese passport because I had the same experience myself. Even the burmese government officials at Yangon International Airport treat us with disrespect while the others better sometimes. The problem could be with the reputation of Myanmar itself so now you don't add to it.
You talk about how bad burmese girls are being treated. Look carefully and you would see chinese and indian girls who were born in Burma among them. Perhaps you were one guy who tried to hook up with some girls there and did not get the chance because of your own personality. Everyone except those related to the junta is suffering economically and socially in Myanmar because of the rotten system. Not just burmese girls.
I know many many chinese and indians in Burma who are devoted Buddhists just like many Burmese. Don't picture everyone with the same brush because it is either very silly or very mean-spirited. The karen ethic minorities have always reported how burmese soldiers kill, rob, rape karen familes. Does that mean all the burmese people are murderers, thieves, and rapists to you? Put your hand on your heart and think about it tonight before you go to sleep.
While uprising for just course is right, being xenophobic is pathetic. Write and say things that are meaningful, or you would sound like a loser and any intelligent readers would agree that you are just a loser who has a personal ax to grind using patriotism as a medium.
Myo Kyi
A burmese born in Burma and now lives in U.S.A.
dear ko myo gyi,
i think the author doesn't want to mislead readers to b scorn againt foreigners... the thing he wants to say is to take actions on the current situations... & i think "Myanmar" in his article means not only burmese but also all citizens living in Burma, including chinese or indian... he sounds a bit xenophobic but i think he wanna tell readers not to let foreigners overinfluence upon socail & economical affairs of Burma... as we all know, no one or no country can help our country unless there's unity among our people... it's US who can & who must try to change our destiny...
with metta,
pon gyi...
Ko htike,
don't be discourage about the words of Myo Gyi who forgets his genuine being and gives higher mark to foreigners than his origin. plz, keep on trying post what you should do.we all are in your side.
Dear Pon Gyi,
Thanks for the calm and unbiased observation.
Weren't you surprised when Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's convoy was attacked in Monywa by thugs and she almost got killed? How could someone try to kill Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, probably the greatest prominent nobel Burmese ever? That attack proves there are selfish and narrow-minded people out there who don't discern right from wrong. . Like a drug addict who feels the urge to take the next shot, they would just do whatever that make them feels good.
It is very easy to blame someone else for own failure and that's why some people take the easy path and blame other people. Narrow-minded people tend to support another narrow-minded people because they are narrow-minded.
I always missed Burma. I missed my friends, teachers from my grade schools, my neighbors. They consist of many burmese ethnicities, and chinese & indians. No one is perfect. We all have our strong and weak points.
Civilized people will not agree with narrow-minded ideas.
Thank you and thank you.
dear ko htike,
i hope u don't think that i'm against ya... i really appreciate ur works... we all r trying for our country even though there many b some different opinions and approaches sometimes... anyway, we all have the exactly the same destination...
with metta,
pon gyi...
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