Friday 5 October 2007

Why monks and Burmese people are protesting against on junta?

We have the generals living in opulence. Its quite disgusting and as one viewer mentioned, it reminds us of Imelda Marcos of the Phillipines. Please put that up and another one of the general Burmese civilian, living below the poverty line.

There has to be corruption for someone to have such a grand wedding on a salary of 120,000 kyats (approx $100 US) per month. And please highlight that those jewels are REAL diamonds. not cubic zirconias. The people who gave them to her, are obviously vying for favours with the government, its corruption at its best!

This is burmese people in daily life

This is the head of the junta's daughter wedding

With just one of those necklaces, Burma could have built a hospital, a school, the possibilities are endless but what can you expect from a government that spends more than 50% of the country's expenditure trying to control/oppress the people instead of helping them. They only look out for themselves and the world leaders need a plan to hit them where it hurts.
The FINANCIAL advantage is what lures them to the military and to remain loyal, if there is no advantage, what is the point of being so loyal and wanting to stay in power. The UN and other leaders should devise a plan that targets the regime and its leaders (as one report mentioned that the UN is now thinking of doing). Its time that the world helped by not disacvantaging the people with broad economic sanctions and targetted the generals. I just hope the new envoy does more than Gambari has done.

Set a definitive plan with the junta, and make harsh subjective penalties for not sticking to the deadlines on the plan. Also ban ALL countries from doing business with the regime, if this is in any way possible.


Unknown said...

i totally agree with all you just said. it is heartbreaking to think of all that can be done with that much money...and yet the money doesn't get to those who really need it.
thanks for keeping us updated.

Anonymous said...

One thing to keep in mind is that Russia will be providing uranium to the junta's new project. I cannot remember whether the nuclear plant is being built or it is already on-going.
Australia signed the sale of uranium to Russia which will be going direct to Burma last 9 Sep'07. This is another protest to be working on.

One of our members of parliament has created a list of all the companies that have been supporting the junta, that is something to keep an eye on it as well.
(Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma - Facebook group)

Then China, India and all the neighbouring countries belonging to the HRC are to be sanctioned by the UN if they do not do their bit in bringing Burma into a proper democracy...

I was praying and sympathing for a while, now I am writing letters of support addressed to few companies and politicians... The Monks started screaming for freedom, now it is my turn to continue with the screaming, if the politicians and companies do not hear me they'll think they are doing right. We must stop them NOW.

Amanda S. said...

thank you for making it known around the world the terrible doings of the junta and the people that work there (and make their atrocities happen). that wedding sickens me!
love from NYC

Goldie Shwe said...

Exactly my point Ko Htike. We need to expose more about those people who are making the most out of other's misery.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting to watch how huge their house and jewels and gold robbed from our country's money which is supposed to use for the civilian and country. Get rid of those suckers now. Freeze their possession which belongs to the country.

Nyan said...


Anonymous said...

It's an insanely tasteless wedding. Even more so considering the poverty the average Burmese lives under. That aside; it's the only video which portrays fat people... all the images I've seen so far of protesters have shown people on the starvation side of skinny. Though I am totally on the side of non-violence I'm edging toward wanting to equip ordinary Burmese people with weapons to defend themselves (and/or attack the military) as I'm getting angrier the more I hear.
Come to think of it - I bet the Junta's bank in Zurich could put an effective end to the regime by freezing their accounts... but being forever 'neutral' (money talks louder than blood) I guess there's no hope of that.
Keep your blog going, though! I'll keep reading it.

Jeannie's Blog said...

Hi, Just visited your blog. I also have a blog to support Burma...
I am listing your blog as a link, I hope you don't mind. If the UN and other nations fail to help Burma there is one thing that the people of the world can do to possibly make a change...
Boycott the Beijing Olympics 08!!! The Olympics are of great financial importance to China. They should never have been awarded to host them to begin with. Although, if the word can be spread to Boycott the Olympics maybe China can be feared into making a change for Burma.


Tsu Dho Nimh said...

You can probably spot the undercover police because they aren't as skinny as most of the population.

Unknown said...

Flohmarktdisko DJ team has created a 'Freedom For Burma' music mix dedicated to peaceful freedom for Burma.

To download it please check our blog:

Crtomir said...

Yes! We should boycott the Chinese Olympics. Not just for Burma, but for Darfur, for Tibet, and for the Chinese people themselves, or did they choose money over freedom?

Tianamen is so long forgotten by those with food in their mouths.

We should also boycott all companies that support the Chinese Olympics, including CocaCola, GE, Kodak, etc..

Please spread the word. An international boycott. We should also refuse to watch even one minute of these Chinese Olympic games. How many people died for just one minute of Olympics?

Most people know justice, but don't have the courage to act. We should teach them how.

Noble Silence said...

shameless demons

CommonSense said...

Worldwide support is needed to result in

voluntary funds for the people to protect

themselves. If you do not wish to donate

funds, that is no problem, spreading the word is

a great deal.

Please, please would burmese people post

examples of torture on my blogspot, so

readers can get a clear picture of exactly how

immoral the abuse is, like nazi treatment.

Would any person condone nazi torture and

degradation. It is so sick, we need more

information. 1000, 5000, 1 million examples

will all help to open peoples' eyes so they can

see the training of military is like training nazis.

This military may one day become China's

army, how will we stop the terror then????

Please anonomously post the examples, the

burmese have been silenced for too

long...............Examples of torture, realise 1

million plus examples...................

Freedom of speech cannot be stopped in this


Myo Myint
lost a leg, an arm and an eye while fighting as a

soldier for the Myanmar government, was

arrested in 1989 after he quit the army and

switched his loyalty to the pro-democracy


He says his interrogators stripped him naked

and tied him with a leather belt to a seesaw,

placing him head down for four hours and

pouring water in his face as he fell in and out of

consciousness. Another time they put a bag

over his head and kicked away his crutch.

"I still have nightmares," the 45-year-old says.

"I wake up and my whole body is wet with


Oo Tezaniya
A 42-year-old monk spent eight years and three

months in prison for opposing the government,

clenched his hands in the folds of his saffron

robe as he told how he was seized in the middle

of the night in 1988.

He was brought to an interrogation center,

beaten with guns, and then thrown into a dark

cell for a month with two other men and no


"There was excrement all over the floor," he


Mizzima Burmese Breaking News on 4 Oct]

Even the street vendors were not spared. They

were asked to pay 4k-6k Kyat according to the

type of food that they were selling. They were

also asked to sign documents stating that they

would not talk to foreign media. Near Sule area,

SPDC supports were going around in cars with

the pictures of protestors and announcing that

they would capture anyone who let those

protestants to hide in their houses

Adam Nichols - Daily News - 4 October
Video footage smuggled out of violence-racked

Myanmar shows cowering and terrified

prisoners - arms flailing over bloodied heads -

being beaten and kicked by soldiers cracking

down on protesters.

As a secret camera rolls, a bucktoothed officer

directs the horrific brutality - and grins.

Meanwhile, Myanmar's junta switched to an

intimidation campaign yesterday.

Citizen said...

Hi, Ko htike
I would like to encourage you and your country Myanmar.
South Korea had been suffered harsh dictatorship for about 30 years.
So we have a feeling of affinity.
Namho Shin

Anonymous said...

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