Than Shwe: I will walk out of the meeting if Gambari comes to give the presentation.
Asean: Please..please don't walk out. We will cancel our invitation to him.
Than Shwe: I will not sign the new Asean charter if I am not allow to kill monks and students.
Asean: Please..please, I beg you. Please sign the charter and you can carry on killing the monks and children.
Than Shwe: I will leave Asean if I am not allowed to do what I want to do.
Asean: I am begging you again. Please don't leave Asean but you can do whatever you want to do. We will protect you. You are our faimly member.
Thank to Sword for a Sword , the one who wrote this.
Here is the lesson for the Buddha Story painting at the Shwedagon Pagoda written by the bloods of the noble monks. If you go there Mr ASEAN and look carefully you will see the painting in your hearts, If not you should be worry and fear for yourself Mr. ASEAN.
It is for the bro. Zarganar and got some fun to read it. But at the end fear will come that we just stand still and watch the noble monks getting killed. Pls don't repeat that again. Just stand and at lease give respects and praise of the heroes who know they know they will die trying. Just show you will not accept the any things from army personnel. They will approaches to the peoples by many ways,sins, greed, sex, money, power, at last hunger if you don't accept but don't get fools by them. Not even give a smile. Just total blank for them. All their presents and business are one-way tickets to hell attached there. Just see from your hearts and you can see and feel it that BBG regime will fail. Just at lease claps all of your hands, if we do that there is not enough jail in Burma to put every one to put into the jails who claps their hands. I fear too. But it is now or ever.
Name of Painting- Monks Killer and Shu Maung Visit
BBG ; Bah…. Shu Maung you ghost. Guards….ET(Astrologist). Help!! Help !!!
Shu Maung ; Don't be afraid. I bring a gift from "Nga Ye Min" ( hell Lord ) for you.
BBG ; Gift? You looks terrible. Old chat. Looks like burnt inside out !!
Shu Maung ; Hell in more then one year you don't how it is.
BBG; Well I don't want to know but where is my gift? Always gift first.
Shu Maung ; Here it is that they call “hell gold” and make you life longer.
BBG; That is great so Nga Ye Min love me.
Shu Maung ; Well he said when I got in hell, hell got heated up extra One billion centigrade for me and Hell engineers can not coup up their air con. for Nga Ye Min and he scar if you die before good engineers get in hell to fix and up grade that air con.or he'll got to resign that post and also every body in hell curse me for joining hell early. Heller’s said too hot after I arrive to hell!!
BBG; So what I think is right that I alway better than you. Ha!! Ha!!
Shu Maung ;Hee Hee. Hee. OK see you in hell! Let's burn together. Soe Win already there.
ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!! Nooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forgives ………………………Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!
Burn forever for monk’s killers
BBG=Ball Ball Gyi Than Shwe(Look whe he walk)
Shu Maung =Ne Win( Openly affair with Khin May Than and busband got to run away to U.K.)
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