Mr Tay Za, Can you say that all of your money are totally not related with the tear of burmese people?
Myanmar tycoon denounces US sanctions
"I hereby condemn the sanctions which were recklessly imposed and only hurt the people of Myanmar," Tay Za told officials, staff and businessmen in a speech for celebrations to mark Air Bagan's third anniversary.
"The sanctions are misguided and unfair. Air Bagan Ltd is a legally constituted company with funds earned through 100 percent legitimate means," he said.
"No government officials or party outside Htoo Group of companies owns any shares in Air Bagan."
"There had been allegations that I am the son-in-law of one of the senior members of the state. It is totally untrue and I categorically and utterly refute these allegations," he said.
"The capital of Air Bagan is not related in any way with such business as drug trafficking, arms sales and money laundering but comes from the earnings of Htoo Group of companies through our legitimate business," he said
"Air Bagan Ltd ... is facing a myriad of problems because of wrongful sanctions imposed by the US administration. Due to restrictions on banking facilities, Air Bagan is encountering operational difficulties," he said.
"Under the circumstances, Air Bagan's Singapore flights have been suspended."
Air Bagan had announced from November 4 it would suspend its Singapore service, which was only launched in September.
"It is apparent that the US sanctions will mainly impact on the working population," he said, adding that they would affect the 14,000 employees of Htoo Group companies and Air Bagan.
"We shall tackle the sanctions by fair and rightful means, carry on with our second five-year plan and forge ahead in the private sector for the economic development of Myanmar together with the state," he said.
Sanctions hit Burmese junta’s meal ticket
edward loxton on how targeted US sanctions will give Burma’s elite a headache
When Burmese junta leader Than Shwe laid on an opulent wedding for his daughter this summer, most of the bill was picked up by one of the country's wealthiest tycoons, Tay Za, and so on....
"I hereby condemn the sanctions which were recklessly imposed and only hurt THE HOUSE OF TAYZA,"
Since when did he get the right to speak on behalf of the people of Burma!
Very entertaining to read. I am quite amused by his responses.
Oh yeah, by the way, how about those sanctions that Than Shwe and junta imposed on Burmese people for decades?
Than Shwe junta hijacked Burma and its Army and imposed sanctions on the Burmese people on what to read, what to believe, what to eat and how to live.
Every weapon used by the military these days "to kill our people" are being bought through the brokerage of Tayza's company. He even accompanied Mg Aye to Russia to purchase Fighter Jets.
Tayza became millionaire after 1988 arms embago aginst SPDC by the world. His company in Singapore bought the weapons on behalf of the SPDC.
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