We salute you brave and true sons and daughters of Burma. You understood the dangers you faced when you decided to march on Orchard Street. You have stomped the HEART of Singapore. You have shown the world that PEACE and DEMOCRACY is all you demand. You have demonstrated to ASEAN that YOU have the COURAGE which they LACK. You are SINCERE they are NOT. SHAME on you ASEAN. You will remain a GUTLESS GROUPING for the next 40 years as you have been in the last 40 years. Your interest in Burma is not about her suffering people but about your greed and that is the main reason why you HAVE to KOWTOW to a bunch of MURDERERS.
At this presence all of Myanmar people in S'pore may need to out to street with greater dignity to convince that all of our Myanmar society were proactively moving to democratic regional society and greater appreciation in human right, political ethic and welcoming to any peaceful constructive conducts of ASEAN's figureheads.
In internaltional arena, PAP government is pretenting and acting that Spore is main hub in region as financial, education, health and bio-mechanical and also shouting as a absolute democratic country. Because they beliving theirself that they are relatively much more educated that other regional leaders.We should better use wording such as Human Right, Social responsibilities & ethic whenever making confrotation to them. But not for Myanmar Stupid rude and cruel bloody licence guns holders. They are really really not familiar with those wordings historically.
We salute you brave and true sons and daughters of Burma. You understood the dangers you faced when you decided to march on Orchard Street. You have stomped the HEART of Singapore. You have shown the world that PEACE and DEMOCRACY is all you demand. You have demonstrated to ASEAN that YOU have the COURAGE which they LACK. You are SINCERE they are NOT.
SHAME on you ASEAN. You will remain a GUTLESS GROUPING for the next 40 years as you have been in the last 40 years. Your interest in Burma is not about her suffering people but about your greed and that is the main reason why you HAVE to KOWTOW to a bunch of MURDERERS.
With much respect
One of the most inspiring moments. You guys rock!!!
Rock On People!!!!!
At this presence all of Myanmar people in S'pore may need to out to street with greater dignity to convince that all of our Myanmar society were proactively moving to democratic regional society and greater appreciation in human right, political ethic and welcoming to any peaceful constructive conducts of ASEAN's figureheads.
In internaltional arena, PAP government is pretenting and acting that Spore is main hub in region as financial, education, health and bio-mechanical and also shouting as a absolute democratic country. Because they beliving theirself that they are relatively much more educated that other regional leaders.We should better use wording such as Human Right, Social responsibilities & ethic whenever making confrotation to them. But not for Myanmar Stupid rude and cruel bloody licence guns holders. They are really really not familiar with those wordings historically.
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