Who is more powerful? Kyaw Hsan, Have you prepared to resign as minister?
Now information minister, Kyaw Hsan has chosen to his last days as a minister. He is now saying the truth about Burma. Than Shwe has never forgiven anyone who dare to speak the truth about Burma; such as .. UN officer Mr Petrie. We can see what Kyaw Hsan said below...... so, I would like to ask to Kyaw Hsan, have you prepared to resign your position as minister?
Myanmar strongly criticizes foreign sanctions
(This is what he said Burma is poor)
"It is true that the national economy and public socio-economy are not developing as they should even though the government has been exerting efforts," said Information Minister Brigadier-General Kyaw Hsan, who heads the government's spokes authoritative team, when meeting with visiting United Nations Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari in the new capital of Nay Pyi Taw on Tuesday
Myanmar promises more press freedom once it achieves democracy
(This is what he said Burma doesn't have press freedom)
Myanmar's information minister has promised more press freedom once the country becomes a full democracy.
He was speaking to the first group of foreign journalists allowed into Myanmar since its military quelled massive anti-government protests in September.
(sorry for low resolution pictures of them, I don't want to see their face clearly on my blog. That's why I chose these pictures.)
ko htike
Than Shwe had made the stupid decision expelling a top U.N. diplomat. It is an insult to the United Nations and the international community. By now nternational community should be aware of dealing with this idiot Than Shwe. This situation requires more international and internal pressure and more sanction.
After killing monks,students and people in mass numbers ,Than Shwe
become a mad dog.
Here is the photo of Than Shwe:
"It is true that the national economy and public socio-economy are not developing as they should even though the government has been exerting efforts,"
How are the national economy and public socio-economy going to develop if the junta has been trying to develop their own bank accounts?
So, the next "textbook" excuse for junta for their own failures or stupidity is blaming "Powerful External Countries".
It just proves that the sanctions are working, so are the protests, the public's anti junta activities (throwing papers, writing on the wall). Just congratulate yourself everyone and keep up with the good work. Keep suggesting, publishing and most importantly, doing it.
attitude of the burmese junta is really infuriating to me. i feel so bad for the burmese people that have no choice but to live under their wrath.
Actually, we all know SPDC has run out of vocabulary for more "Creative LIES"....after all, 19 years of "inventive lies" is not an easy task.
I just want to live long enough to see how these "Shamless Liars" end up eventually.
'Regret and remorse' or 'begging for mercy'?
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