Wednesday, 28 November 2007

The world knows what you guys are up to...

Burma: arrests continue two months on

Amnesty International condemns the new arrests of political activists inside Myanmar, despite the commitment by Prime Minister Thein Sein to the UN Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari in early November that no more arrests would be carried out.

"Two months after the violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators, arbitrary arrests continue unabated as part of the Myanmmar government's systematic suppression of freedom of expression and association, contrary to its claims of a return to normalcy," said Catherine Baber, Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific Programme Director.

"Normalcy for the military government may mean a return to systematic and widespread human rights violations away from media attention, but the international community must no longer tolerate this situation," added Catherine Baber.

Amnesty International confirms that the following arrests have occurred since early November:

* On 4 November, U Gambira, head of the All-Burma Monks Alliance and a leader of the September protests, was arrested and reportedly charged with treason. Two of his family members previously detained as 'hostages' in an attempt to force him out of hiding, have been kept in detention;

* On 13 November, the government arrested Su Su Nway, a member of the youth wing of the main opposition National League for Democracy party. Fellow youth activist Bo Bo Win Hlaing was arrested along with her while putting up anti-government posters;

* On 14 November, at least three people were arrested in Yangon for passing out anti-government pamphlets;

* On 15 November, authorities raided a monastery in western Rakhine State, and arrested monk U Than Rama, wanted for his involvement in the September protests. He was reportedly beaten during the raid and his whereabouts remain unknown.

* On 20 November, Myint Naing, a senior member of the National League for Democracy was detained;

* On 20 November, ethnic Arakanese leader U Tin Ohn was detained and his whereabouts remain unknown;

* On 20 and 21 November, other ethnic leaders, including Arakanese Cin Sian Thang and U Aye Thar Aung, Naing Ngwe Thein from the Mon National Democracy Front, and Kachin political leader U Hkun Htoo were rounded up but released after questioning;

* On 26 November, Aung Zaw Oo, a member of the Human Rights Defenders and Promoters group, was arrested in Yangon, likely on account of his involvement in planning events for International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

Amnesty International is deeply disappointed by the fact that these arrests are still taking place despite the government's promises to the contrary. Just last week, the Myanmar government was attending ASEAN's 40th Anniversary Summit, where it signed the organization's new Charter committing it to the "promotion and protection of human rights".

To date, up to 700 people arrested during and since the September protests remain behind bars, while 1,150 political prisoners held prior to the protests have not been released.

Amnesty International is urgently calling on the government of Myanmar to release all those detained or imprisoned merely for the peaceful exercises of their right to freedom of expression, assembly and association, including both long-term and recent prisoners of conscience, and to stop making further arrests.


Anonymous said...

We created this site DONTFORGETBURMA.ORG because we wanted a space where everyday people could show that although the media spotlight over Burma may have dimmed, we are still thinking of Burma. This site is run in coalition with Burma Global Action Network (BGAN) and Burma Campaign UK. The team that runs this site, came together through the "Support the Monks' Protest in Burma " Facebook group (439,000 members).

BGAN is a team of activists from around the world that work around the clock on our sites. We are aiming to ensure that the world never forgets the brave protestors that risked their lives on the streets of Burma this year. We work closely with organisations around the world (see our launch partners ) and this site would never had got off the ground without the support of the Burma Campaign UK (BCUK). BCUK and Burma Global Action Network (BGAN) was also key in initiating the the Global Day of Action for Burma (October 6th 2007) and Aung Sang Suu Kyi day (October 24th 2007). Most campaign groups for Burma are under funded and under resourced, that’s where we come in. We step in and plug campaigns as best as possible through our massive web of supporters. We have broken records in terms of online support for Burma. Now is the time to keep building that support for a free and democratic Burma.

About Burma
Burma is ruled by one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world; a dictatorship charged by the United Nations with a "crime against humanity" for its systematic abuses of human rights, and condemned internationally for refusing to transfer power to the legally elected Government of the country – the party led by Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

The brutal repression the junta used to put down the 2007 repression shocked the world. But the Burmese people have lived under this sort of repression for decades. The authorities do not hesitate to use force to repress their people, to find out more about what life is like in Burma for ordinary citizens have a look at our Introduction to Burma
To make sure the world doesn't forget get active, submit a photo of support to this site DONTFORGETBURMA.ORG

Sophie Lwin
Burma Global Action Network (BGAN)
Don’t Forget Burma Campaign
U.S. Campaign for Burma, Arizona Chapter
Sophie’s Choices

Anonymous said...

Kohtike, thank you for all that you do! Please get in touch with us if you are interested in incorporating ideas for the freedom of burma.

Unknown said...

Junta ITSELF sanctioned export & import trade to all ordinary people .ONLY Generals & THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS CAN DO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
We need more &more countries to sanction against Burma.
But the least time consuming way to remove Junta is UN Troops/US TROOPS

Unknown said...

I think BBG Than Shwe will as follow

Power Shortage in Rangoon
This is not about electric power shortage but it is about power shortage!
Once upon a time Madalay is Min Nepyitaw (capital) and British time move to RGN, British need most of the Burmese who is rich and got administration skill (Governing) so British may created that Madalay got robberies and no security to live so many Burmese came to RGN as British wanted. It is same like that now. Let discuss.

Now Ball Ball Gyi Than Shwe want RGN to live like hell so cut power line then people will get desperate. This is not only power shortage it is opening frontlines that army called offensive. Trying to soften the will of peoples before attacking the whole Burma. He is not going to back down. It is like people want basic need and protested at September for that Than Shwe said I’m not given to you, even now you cannot get electricity. What do you want to do? OK follow me to Pinmana I need human Bomb shelter. If he needs bomb shelter he is some thing bad to do in his head for sure. And thinking about UN security force might come in. If he thinks like that some thing might be big.

Water supply will cut if needed will poisons or virus in water. (Remember 1988 crises whole city got eye infections by using water supply. Just ask the gems lab doctors in Burma. There is only a few in Burma.
It will follow like legal killing on the streets, legal rapes on the street, robbery on the street by his (Soung Are Shin-Kyaunt Phout) so there will be no securities. People will follow to Pyinmana or live in human hell, so he can get enough people for hostages against to UN security force and all (Aerial bombing). May be he got more on in his CRAZY head. Anyway he got a few problems. Who is going to do the dirty jobs such as killing, robbing, raping, torturing but he got more in his CRAZY head. He found criminal from jail so make negotiate and releasing the criminals (please see the news. Criminals will not talk because he is following by case officers and guide than when to act, how to act and what to act. If caught red handed no problems he is a criminal). He supposes to release all political prisoners instead releasing criminals. He think got two goals in one move. He got the more killers (torture masters) and jails are free to put more prisoners. Let bets on whose he will arrest?? I bet in near future more of noble monks are on his shopping list (Arresting & killing list). If many arrest come need more room in jails so releasing is for that. (Making new ID and background venting check are on the way). Also opposing, 88 and new generation students are got in that list. So therefore he is preparing for next move (killing field). Now you are seeing no regular power supply. That is the first step. Next will follow first Rangoon and next whole Burma.
I think monks are getting poisoning slowly by army. Put the drugs slowly into monks alms (Sung) that monks take daily. Monks are going to get framing, poisoning, and arrest right now and become heavy within near future.
Please don’t stand still now. Fight back whatever you got pens, bloggers, computers, ideas, money, words, time, visions, claps hand , protects, pains, in jails, tears, blessing, support, Voodoo, life, etc, etc what ever you can. If we are going to build democracy “Golden Pagoda” than whole union need to donate whatever you can efforts. One cent will do. One word from a pen will do. One sweat will do. One vision will do. WHAT EVER YOU GOT- FIGHT BACK FOR MONKS.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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