Sixty years after independence, Myanmar remembers in secret

by Hla Hla Htay
YANGON (AFP) - Pausing in front of the fence around Yangon's main park, a man points through the iron bars to show his two young children the statue inside.
"This is Myanmar's independence leader General Aung San. He was a very honourable man," he said.
The children gazed at the 10-foot (three-meter) statue and started to ask a question when their father hushed them.
"I will tell you all about him once we get home," he said.
Although Kandawgyi Park is one of the most popular public spaces in Myanmar's main city of Yangon, almost no one takes the path that leads by the statue or reads the inscription, "General Aung San, the leading star of the Union."
The man credited with winning Myanmar's independence from Britain, 60 years ago on January 4, is now most famous overseas for being the father of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi -- the Nobel peace prize winner who has spent 12 years under house arrest for her efforts to end decades of military dictatorship.
She is so despised by the ruling junta that few are willing to speak publicly about her father, even though Aung San is revered as a hero for leading the battle against British colonisers and Japanese occupiers during World War II.
He is also remembered for uniting the nation's many ethnic groups in the struggle for independence, which Aung San never lived to see.
He was assassinated at the age of 32, along with eight of his top lieutenants in July 1947, in a plot blamed on a rival politician who is now seen as a national traitor.
Even the military leadership remembers Aung San's sacrifice on the anniversary of their deaths, which is called Martyrs' Day.
But since his daughter achieved prominence during a 1988 pro-democracy uprising, few people are willing to mention Aung San in public for fear of angering the junta and its ubiquitous informers.
"We never forget our independence leader. He's always in our hearts and minds. People just dare not to show their love openly because they don't want any problems," Khin, a 30-year-old company staffer, told AFP.
"He had very high hopes for our country's future. I'll tell my infant daughter about him and his struggles for our country's independence," she added.
For those old enough to remember independence, the upcoming anniversary brings a certain sense of loss at what might have been had Aung San survived to lead the new nation.
Mya Mya, a retired government officer, was only 11 when Burma became a country that was seen as far more developed than most of its neighbours.
Sixty years later, the nation now known as Myanmar is among the poorest in the world, hobbled after 45 years of military dictatorship and disastrous economic policies.
"We all love Aung San like a father. That's why we were so hurt when he died," Mya Mya said, her eyes watering at the memory of his death.
"I don't understand politics, but I often wonder what might have happened if he had lived to see independence," she added.
Aung San had succeeded in cobbling together an alliance with Myanmar's ethnic minorities, many of whom had seen independence as an opportunity to win their own sovereign homelands.
After his death, that alliance quickly fell apart and the nation was wracked by a score of armed insurgencies across the country.
The military used the rebellions as a pretext to seize control over the government in 1962, and has ruled with an iron fist ever since.
Aung San Suu Kyi has emerged as the leader of peaceful resistance to military rule. Although she was only two when her father was killed, her stature has been built in large part because of the similarities the public sees in them.
She led her National League for Democracy (NLD) party to victory in elections in 1990, although the junta has never recognised the result.
When Buddhist monks led protests against the government in September, their movement was galvanised by a single, brief appearance by Aung San Suu Kyi to greet them at the gate of the home where she is detained.
Many here see her leadership as a continuation of her father's, although the junta has tried to diminish both their roles while building up its own image through relentless propaganda extolling the virtues of the military.
In the privacy of their homes, many families are quietly passing along their own unfiltered history of independence.
"I love General Aung San unconditionally, because my teacher taught us he was the father of our independence from Britain," said Pyi Sone, an eight-year-old boy.
"But I have never seen his picture," he said.
Ah Hmu Pwel Ser U Kyin Pein is Responsible for The gathering gangsters to suppress the Monks\' protest
Kyin Pein is the managing director of Shwe Latha Co Ltd, and syndicate director of Shwe Thazin Syndicate
Heis the vice president of Chinese communist party in Burma
U Kyin Pein at Loo Kyin Pain is Ah Hmu Pwel Ser, he brokers for criminal, civil cases and the political cases where he is called to suppress democracy party members. He is powerful in all courts and police stations nationwide. He can easily incriminate innocent people to be sentenced to jail terms and with the notorious criminals with his powerful influence he sets them free. He is not involved into politics.
That is why gathering gangsters to suppress the Monks\' protest was/is just an easy task for him. He has control of the Law of Burma and turns it up side down.
U Kyin Pein was born and grew up in China (Lu That and Bane Wayang Pyay), from China he escaped to Burma in the 1950s together with his colleague criminal gangsters. They were warranted and wanted for murder and opium trafficking by the Chinese police. His name was not Kyin Pain in China. --
U Kyin Pein and U Shwe are womanizers, they enjoy Burmese wives, and kept mistresses . With their mistresses they open shops for Massage Rooms, Karoke Lounges, Host for Chair Lottery,2 digit , 3 digit Lottery, soccer ball, all with the help of silent partners like generals, Khin Yi, police officers business keeps blooming.
Kyin Pein, U Shwe, Chief Military and Police Officers are also the joint owners of massage and sauna rooms (brothels and clinical rooms), Karaoke Lounges, the hosts for 2Digits, 3 Digits, football gambling.
Kyin Pein and U Shwe are also associated in killing, beating the Monks by recruiting gangsters and criminals for the SPDC.Kyin Pein is an Ah Hmu Pwel Ser
For the westerners:
Ah Hmu Pwel Ser means that he manipulates decisions from police or judges accusing innocent people, sending them to jails and working the opposite with gangsters, murderers or any other sort of criminals defending them to set them free. He dictates the length of the sentences as well.
Very powerful bribing his way into the law, with the support from his friends the generals, authority heads, judges and police, he turns the law upside down at pleasure.
U Kyin Pain also spelled as U Kyin Pein, his daughters live in New York, USA.
The daughters are:
Tin Tin Yi at Tin Tin Yee
Nwe Nwe Yi at Nwe Nwe Yee
Kyin Hmwe
Myint Myint Yee at Myint Myint Yi,
Moe Moe Yee, at Dr Moe Moe Yi. has been granted an USA green card.
Jewel Smuggling investments
Kyin Pein and U Shwe are also associated in killing, beating the Monks by recruiting gangsters and criminals for the SPDC.
U Shwe is the president of the Chinese communists party in Burma
Kyin Pain is the vice president of Chinese communist party in Burma.
They strongly support the Chinese communist government to support SPDC since 1988, they both are liaison officers between Burma and Beijing
U Shwe\'s grand daughter, Thet Yadanar Kyaw Win at Grace Wong, daughter of Shwe Nan Daw gold shops Dr Aung Kyaw Win, live in Yangon and Dr Thet Thet Khaing is a USA green card holder.
Thet Yadanar Kyaw Win is the 1st test tube baby from Burma , she celebrated her birthday parties at the Trader Hotel attended by the Chinese Ambassador to Burma, the wives of Shwe Mann, Soe Win, Thein Sein, almost all SPDC members, generals and almost all ministers.
U Shwe goes together with any SPDC generals or ministers including Soe Win, Khin Nyunt, Thein Sein to Beijing on every trip
U Shwe is the owner of Shwe Thazin Syndicate and
War War Win Bean factory
U Shwe has many gold & jewel shops in many countries which are managed by his son Dr Aung Kyaw Win, His jewel shops in Burma are :
Shwe Nan Taw
Sein Nan Taw
Yadanar Nan Taw
Mya Nan Taw
War War Win Goldsmiths
Shwe Thazin Syndicate is also linked to (sister company of)
Yuzana of Htay Myint and
Asia World of Law Hsin Han
U Shwe a jewel smuggler by trade
U Shwe also owns jewelery shops not only in Burma. He owns jewelery shops in Shanghai, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau and in many other cities of China.
The opening ceremony of his jewelery shops in Singapore was attended by many Burmese actors, actress, models like Dwe, Dway, Lwin Moe, Tun Eindra Bo, etc
The shop in Singapore the Golden Palace is also known as Shwe Nan Daw, these events were announced in the Myanmar Journals including Myat Khine\'s Love Journal around 2004-2005.
The jewels from Burma are continuously smuggled to his jewelery shops abroad either as jewels or as raw stone to be handcrafted into expensive pieces.
U Shwe also owns Yuzana Joss Sticks Factory & War War Win Bean Factory.He became rich during the Mut-Pel Trading. During Ne Win \' s Era, General Ne Win banned everybody for life sentence for trading Mut Pel. But U Shwe is the exception .He can do freely when all are banned by killing .
He with his partners the Myanmar Chief Socialist Central Committee Members (Headquarters) i.e. Ma Sa La Baho Committee Member illegally transported in speed boats (Set-Hlay) the Mut Pel smuggling to Singapore.
Kyin Pein and U Shwe are also associated in killing, beating the Monks by recruiting gangsters and criminals for the SPDC.Kyin Pein is an Ah Hmu Pwel Ser
For the westerners:
Ah Hmu Pwel Ser means that he manipulates decisions from police or judges accusing innocent people, sending them to jails and working the opposite with gangsters, murderers or any other sort of criminals defending them to set them free. He dictates the length of the sentences as well.
Very powerful bribing his way into the law, with the support from his friends the generals, authority heads, judges and police, he turns the law upside down at pleasure.
U Kyin Pein and U Shwe are womanizers, they enjoy Burmese wives, and kept mistresses . With their mistresses they open shops for Massage Rooms, Karoke Lounges, Host for Chair Lottery,2 digit , 3 digit Lottery, soccer ball, all with the help of silent partners like generals, Khin Yi, police officers business keeps blooming.
The following beans are exported by Shwe Thazin Syndicate as indicated on their web site :
Green Beans
Black Eye Beans (Local, USA)
Black Matpe
Butter Beans
Red Kidney Beans
Toor Whole
White Beans
Sultani Pya
Bocate Beans
Brown Beans
Peyin Beans
Chick Pea
Sesame Seeds
(White, Red, Black, Brown, Mixed)
Castor Seeds
Niger Seeds
The following are the Local Prducts of Shwe Thazin
\" Fuji \" Detergent Cream Soap
\" Fuji \" Beauty Soap
\" Freshest \" Beauty Soap
\" Phyu Phwe \" Detergent Liquid
P.P Woven Bags
Sodium Silicate Liquid
Kyin Pain, U Shwe, Chief Military and Police Officers are also the joint owners of massage and sauna rooms (brothels and clinical rooms), Karaoke Lounges, the hosts for 2Digits, 3 Digits, football gambling.
For the westerners:
Ah Hmu Pwel Ser means that he manipulates decisions from police or judges accusing innocent people, sending them to jails and working the opposite with gangsters, murderers or any other sort of criminals defending them to set them free. He dictates the length of the sentences as well.
Very powerful bribing his way into the law, with the support from his friends the generals, authority heads, judges and police, he turns the law upside down at pleasure.
Good post. Very informative. Thank you.
I like the article about bogyoke statue and his history.
Because it is important to let the new generation know about the real leader , father of our country.So everybody can do this duty by showing the pic and telling the true history of myanmar to students, grandchild,and niece and nephews.I hope we would see the leader like Bogyoke Aung San soon.
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