5 More Arrests & 88' GS Leaders Charged to 20 Years
Last week of February witnessed more disturbing incidents in Burma. Five people were arrested in Rangoon on 28th and 29th. Three family members of imprisoned democracy activists were arrested. They are: (1) wife of Mya Aye, a leader of the 88' Generation Students group (name ; (2) Hla Moe, a member of National League for Democracy and husband of another 88' GS group Mie Mie (a) Thin Thin Aye; and (3) Kanet, brother of Markie (a) Kyaw Kyaw Htwe. An activist couple Mr. Naing Htwe and Ms. May Mie Lwin were also arrested on Feb 28 and their whereabouts are still unknown.
At the same time about 20 activists including the leaders of 88' GS group who took part in the last August and September protests have been charged under decree 5/96 which deals with obstruction or opponent to the regime's National Convention (NC). Under this decree, activists could face up to 20 years of imprisonment.
Meanwhile, the regime moves ahead its plan to hold the referendum by appointing 45-members Referendum Convening Commission (RCC) to oversee the process and enacted the law laying out the procedures. Authorities have already started to collect the family list for the referendum in Maungdaw in western Burma. In Kachin State, northern part, authorities distributed two forms – one is in support of the referendum and the residents there have to fill up their names and national identity card numbers and another one is the list that residents have to fill up their family members who go abroad and the country they migrated.
The regime also enacted a new law which can imprison anyone who distributes leaflets and makes speeches against constitutional referendum, which is to be held in May, up to 3 years and fine of 100,000 Kyat (USD 77). This new law also allows for postponing or canceling in places affected by natural disaster, security breach, or other harm that could endanger the holding of a "free and fair" referendum. People and many critics are astounded by its undemocratic as it is non-inclusive and takes no input from its opponent the National League for Democracy (NLD).
On the other hand, the NLD insisted that pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi must be allowed to play a role in the nation's political process and accused the regime's action to bar her from taking part in the political process as "This comment is a personal and political attack on Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi and it also sounds like a pre-determined decision to not allow her to participate in the election". The NLD has warned that the regime's planned constitutional referendum could hurt the nation's effort towards political reconciliation. On February 20, the Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) urged the regime to allow citizens to participate freely in the forthcoming referendum and elections.
At the same time about 20 activists including the leaders of 88' GS group who took part in the last August and September protests have been charged under decree 5/96 which deals with obstruction or opponent to the regime's National Convention (NC). Under this decree, activists could face up to 20 years of imprisonment.
Meanwhile, the regime moves ahead its plan to hold the referendum by appointing 45-members Referendum Convening Commission (RCC) to oversee the process and enacted the law laying out the procedures. Authorities have already started to collect the family list for the referendum in Maungdaw in western Burma. In Kachin State, northern part, authorities distributed two forms – one is in support of the referendum and the residents there have to fill up their names and national identity card numbers and another one is the list that residents have to fill up their family members who go abroad and the country they migrated.
The regime also enacted a new law which can imprison anyone who distributes leaflets and makes speeches against constitutional referendum, which is to be held in May, up to 3 years and fine of 100,000 Kyat (USD 77). This new law also allows for postponing or canceling in places affected by natural disaster, security breach, or other harm that could endanger the holding of a "free and fair" referendum. People and many critics are astounded by its undemocratic as it is non-inclusive and takes no input from its opponent the National League for Democracy (NLD).
On the other hand, the NLD insisted that pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi must be allowed to play a role in the nation's political process and accused the regime's action to bar her from taking part in the political process as "This comment is a personal and political attack on Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi and it also sounds like a pre-determined decision to not allow her to participate in the election". The NLD has warned that the regime's planned constitutional referendum could hurt the nation's effort towards political reconciliation. On February 20, the Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) urged the regime to allow citizens to participate freely in the forthcoming referendum and elections.
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