Hello Mr Gambari, what have you done so far and what will you do next?
Let's have a look back what have he done for Burma,
Since 2006 November, He visited to Burma a few times. Each and every time, he can only give false hope for the people of Burma who are suffering under cruel junta.
Nothing improve. Unlawful arrested by junta is still happening inside Burma. No political prisoner has been release by his request.
Majority of Burmese people doesn't want the so called Road Map of Junta at all, but he is saying in the favour of that bloody Road Map in UN Security Council.
In reality we now know , United Nations is nothing but a big name in the world.
Come on our fellow Burmese, Let's Fight to military Junta by ourself under the supervision of our Monks. No need to waste our energy by talking about this UN envoy in future.
Prepare For The Worse! .... Let's Fight, Till last blood.
Yes, I totally agree with you, this
Gambari and Bunki his boss is both
useless, they have wasted enoungh
of our precious time, Mr. Gambari
colluding with the Junta, did you
see on MRTV, Kyaw San hosting him
with a dinner like royalty, he is
in the pockets of the Junta, no
doubt about it, what ever his or
the Junta comments good or bad
seems well rehearsed, Junta and
him both just playing a big show
trying to fool us and the world
but they are both hand in glove
Now he is openly endorsing the
Junta in the Singapore straits.
Another irritating character
recently is the Pig face Thai PM,
we have to openly shame them.
Same with the ASEAN leaders, they
are morally bankrupt, their decisions are based on greed and
void of human emotions. This world
we are in is NgaYeh, HELL,
we cannot defeat the EVIL,
Hope and having faith that
GOOD will in the end prevail and
continue our fight till we win.
Forget UN, lets continue our fight with the support of our allies till
we achieve democracy.Thank you to
all our Sangha's, 88 students and
all freedom fighters.
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