Monday 3 March 2008

Shooting in Yangon near Suu Kyi's home: police

YANGON (AFP) - A rare shooting incident has taken place late Monday in the leafy Yangon neighbourhood where Myanmar's democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is under house arrest, police said.
Police said the shooting happened near the State Guesthouse, a military facility that has been the venue for recent talks between the Nobel peace prize winner and a liaison officer for the military government.

The facility is in the same neighbourhood as Aung San Suu Kyi's home on University Avenue, which is under constant guard.

One resident near the guesthouse, speaking on condition of anonymity, said five people at a neighbouring home had been killed. Police declined to comment on casualties.

"Five people were killed by the gun shots -- a couple, their two daughters, and a maid," the resident told AFP.

Although Myanmar has been at civil war for about six decades, shootings in the nation's commercial hub are extremely rare.

Ordinary citizens are not allowed to own weapons, and firearms are strictly controlled by the regime.

Any sort of violence near Aung San Suu Kyi's home or the guesthouse is unusual because the area is under constant surveillance by authorities.


Amaratun said...

what the hell!!! who's shooting whom? huuu...

KeithWin said...

I am suspicious that the execution style killings happened so closed to Daw Suu's house. That neighborhood is guarded like a military compound so I dont know how the robbers escaped and no guards around the area heard the gun shots.

Killing civilians by other civilians is virtually unheard of in Burma. According to website, the last time a civilian shot another with a gun was back in the 80s due to a gambling dispute. Civilians only get killed by the SPDC government in Burma. And I dont know where the robbers get guns from since nobody outside the tatmadaw can carry/own guns.

If I was a criminal and want to rob a house, Daw Suu Kyi's neighborhood is the last place I'd go to as it is teaming with heavily armed soldiers, road blocks, and check points. There are other affluent neighborhoods in Burma that are less guarded.

This may sound like a crazy conspiracy theory but I think that the family got killed by SPDC agents. Mizzima said that one of the man who was killed owned a restaurant near Daw Suu's house where the opposition activitists frequently hang out. Democratic Voice of Burma reports that the house where the crime took place is located between Daw Suu Kyi's house and the government guest house where Daw Suu and Gambari met earlier times. The crime took place two days before Gambari arrives in Rangoon and since killing happened so closed to the government guest house, the area may be a "crime scene" and will prevent Gambari from meeting with Suu Kyi.

The SPDC do have a history of doing very dirty tactics to stay in power.

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